********************************************************************* [分子科学会速報22-097] 次世代アストロケミストリー国際会議 ********************************************************************* 速報発信者:田沼肇(東京都立大学理学部物理学科) 次世代アストロケミストリー国際会議の御案内 2022年11月29日(火)-12月2日(金)の日程で 次世代アストロケミストリー:素過程理解に基づく学理の再構築(東京大学、 小柴ホール)をテーマとした国際会議を開催しますのでその1stサーキュラー をお送りします。 # 対面を優先した形式を想定していますが、海外からの参加に あたっては場合によってはオンライン講演も受け付ける予定です。 本国際会議は、星間化学における「化学進化」の概念の確立に多大な貢献を された山本智教授(東京大学)の業績を記念しつつ、天文学・惑星科学・分子 科学の融合による今後の星間化学分野の飛躍的な発展のために開催いたし ます。 星間化学のみならず、天文学・惑星科学・分子科学の広い分野からの参加を 歓迎します。なお、招待講演者は2nd circularにてお知らせします。 世話人: 坂井 南美(代表,理化学研究所)、橘 省吾(東京大学)、相川 祐理(東京大学) 、中野 祐司(立教大学)、今田 裕(理化学研究所)、渡部 直樹(北海道大学)、 高柳 敏幸(埼玉大学)、田沼 肇(東京都立大学)、金 有朱(理化学研究所) Dear Colleagues, This is the first announcement of the international conference, "Next Generation Astrochemistry: Reconstruction of the Science Based on Fundamental Molecular Processes" (Nov. 29 to Dec. 2, 2022). #On-site conference is currently planned. But on-line options are prepared for participants from abroad. This conference will celebrate the career of Satoshi Yamamoto, who has made enormous contributions to establish the concept of "chemical evolution" in astrochemistry. Invited speakers will be announced soon. With best regards, Organizing committee Nami Sakai(chair, RIKEN), Shogo Tachibana(The Univ. of Tokyo), Yuri Aikawa(The Univ. of Tokyo), Yuji Nakano(Rikkyo Univ.), Hiroshi Imada(RIKEN), Naoki Watanabe(Hokkaido Univ.), Toshiyuki Takayanagi(Saitama Univ.), Hajime Tanuma (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), and Yousoo Kim(RIKEN) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 29 Nov.- 2 Dec. 2022, Tokyo Venue: The University of Tokyo, Koshiba-Hall +++1st circuler+++ Next Generation Astrochemistry: Reconstruction of the Science Based on Fundamental Molecular Processes Planet formation is a natural consequence of the star formation process, and there is an incredible variety of planetary systems, which are significantly different from the Solar System. Recent observations have revealed chemistry in planet-forming regions. Various complex organic molecules are found in protoplanetary- disk forming regions, and their abundances vary significantly among objects. This indicates that the Solar System may not have been common in terms of its initial chemistry, which invokes the discussion on the rarity of our existence. Progress of the Solar System exploration, including the recent successful return of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, makes it possible to analyze pristine Solar System materials directly. The combination of such analysis with high-sensitivity observations of planet-forming regions will tell us the chemical origin of our Solar System and how common or rare it is in the universe. However, to tackle these questions, we have to revisit fundamental astrochemical processes. In the past decades, the astrochemical studies focused on chemistry under extremely low temperature and density conditions, where only barrier-less exothermic reactions proceed efficiently. During the planetary system formation, on the other hand, the physical condition changes dynamically resulting in dynamic interactions of molecules between gas and dust(ice) surface. Investigation of such physical and chemical processes is crucial to understand the formation of complex organic molecules and the chemical variety of planet-forming regions. Through this conference we will facilitate interdisciplinary studies among the fields of molecular science, planetary science, and astronomy. This conference will celebrate the career of Satoshi Yamamoto, who has made enormous contributions to establish the concept of "chemical evolution" in astrochemistry. Students and young researchers are encouraged to attend and interact with all participants, and to present their works. Although there is a limitation, financial help will be available for them upon request. (The total number of on-site participants is limited to less than or equal to 80, which may be changed without notice depending on the Covid-19 situation). If the registered number exceeds this limit, we will prioritize presenters.) Registration page will be opened in mid September. ********************************************************************* 分子科学会速報 発行:分子科学会 http://www.molsci.jp/index.html 速報投稿規程等は下記をご覧下さい。 http://www.molsci.jp/bulletin.html ********************************************************************* 高速・高分解能MCAとSDDX線検出器用アンプは、お任せください。 (株)ラボラトリ・イクイップメント・コーポレーション http://www.labo-eq.co.jp Mail:sales@labo-eq.co.jp Tel:029-850-3333 *********************************************************************