********************************************************************* [分子科学会速報20-041] Pacifichem2020シンポジウム#261発表募集 ********************************************************************* 速報発信者:岩村宗高(富山大学) Pacifichem2020シンポジウム(#261) "Ultrafast Phenomena in Transition Metal-containing Systems" 発表募集のお知らせ 2020環太平洋国際化学会議 (Pacifichem2020) におきまして、 "Ultrafast Phenomena in Transition Metal-containing Systems" と題して、 金属錯体の超高速過程に関するシンポジウムが開催されます。 趣旨:The photophysical and photochemical properties of transition metal-based chromophores are of interest for the development of photofunctional materials, light-activated therapies, photocatalysis, and solar energy research to name a few. Most if not all of the photo-induced properties of such systems are determined within the first few picoseconds following light absorption, making ultrafast spectroscopy the primary tool for understanding and ultimately controlling their light-actuated chemistry. The proposed symposium will bring together scientists working at the interface between inorganic and physical chemistries, highlighting the emergence of new techniques including time-resolved X-ray, infrared, and Raman spectroscopies, as well as two-dimensional methods that are providing insights into the interplay between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. In addition to providing a survey of the field, the symposium will constitute an important mechanism for networking among scientists working in this area across the Pacific Rim. 日時:12月15日(火)~16日(水) 口頭発表 12月15日(火)(Morning, Afternoon) 12月16日(水)(Morning, Afternoon) ポスター発表 12月16日(水) (Evening) 会場:Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort アブストラクト提出締切:日本時間 2020年04月02日(木)13:59 (米国東部標準時(EST) 2020年04月01日(水)23:59) 発表申し込み/アブストラクト提出: https://pacifichem.org/technical-program/abstract-submission/ シンポジウム世話人: McCusker, James Kenneth; Vlcek, Antonin; Yam, Vivian Wing-Wah; Hodgkiss, Justin 招待講演者リスト: 恩田健 Max Massi Ryan Hadt Scott Cushing Phil Castellano Lin Chen Kelly Gaffney Renske Greg Scholes Munira Khalil Ben Levine David L. Phillips (Vincent) Chi-Chiu Ko Jianzhang Zhao 岩村宗高 田原太平 Timothy Schmidt Evan Moore Amy Cordones-Hahn Leif Hammarstrom Keith Gordon Katja Heinze Julia Weinstein Andrea Cannizzo Cather Simpson ********************************************************************* 分子科学会速報 発行:分子科学会 http://www.molsci.jp/index.html 速報投稿規程等は下記をご覧下さい。 http://www.molsci.jp/bulletin.html ********************************************************************* 革新的なピコ秒過渡吸収分光システム picoTAS の販売を開始 お問い合わせは(株)ユニソク 分光事業部まで URL:http://www.unisoku.co.jp/ E-mail:info@unisoku.co.jp *********************************************************************