********************************************************************* [分子科学会速報20-046] Pacifichem2020シンポジウム#400発表募集 ********************************************************************* 速報発信者:佐藤和信(大阪市立大学) 太平洋国際化学会議2020における研究発表募集のお知らせ シンポジウム#400 "Quantum Computing/Information Processing and Molecular Quantum Technology" 2020年12月にハワイのホノルル市で開催される環太平洋国際化学会議2020 (Pacifichem2020)のシンポジウムとして量子コンピュータ/情報処理と分子 量子技術に関連するシンポジウムを開催します。本シンポジウムでは、口頭 及びポスター発表を広く募集しております。皆様のお申し込みをお待ち申し 上げます。 日時:口頭発表:12月15日午前及び午後 ポスターセッション:12月16日午前 会場:Hawaii Convention Center アブストラクト提出締切: 日本時間 2020年4月2日(木) 13:59 発表申込URL: https://pacifichem.org/technical-program/abstract-submission/ オーガナイザー: Kazunobu Sato (Japan) Joonsuk Huh (Korea) Martin Lemaire (Canada) Michael R. Wasielewski (USA) 趣旨: Quantum technology toward quantum information science and quantum computers has been attracting wide interests from the fundamental to application to overcome the current information science and technology. Quantum information/computer businesses are being accelerated from broad demands for the potential power inherent in the quantum world. Chemistry and materials science will contribute to conceptual and technical advance in this emerging field by implementing both scalable molecular qubits in advanced materials science and quantum algorithms applicable to quantum chemistry issues which are intractable with any current classical computers. New paradigms in chemistry relevant to molecular quantum technology are emerging from both theoretical and experimental sides. We propose Quantum Computing/Information Session oriented to molecular science, which includes various advanced synthetic and quantum technologies for preparing scalable or molecularly optimized qubits and manipulating qubits in terms of quantum control. Also, in this session, we will focus on recent development of quantum algorithms applicable to quantum chemical calculations and chemical reactions from the theoretical side. The session topics cover various fields related to materials science and molecular optimization to tune quantum properties with long-lived coherence and spin-qubit manipulation technologies for quantum control. They are all relevant to the emerging paradigms and advanced applications in quantum chemistry sciences. The session will attract a wide audience who wishes to challenge new realms of chemistry beyond the existing level of the relevant technology. ********************************************************************* 分子科学会速報 発行:分子科学会 http://www.molsci.jp/index.html 速報投稿規程等は下記をご覧下さい。 http://www.molsci.jp/bulletin.html ********************************************************************* 最先端の理化学用レーザーから汎用性の高い光関連装置まで。 おかげさまで50周年 (株)日本レーザー www.japanlaser.co.jp/ MAIL:jlc@japanlaser.co.jp TEL:03-5285-0861 *********************************************************************